Hi! My name is Barbra Jones.
I am a grandmother of three adult grandchildren and two great-grandchildren--two precious little girls. I have a son and two daughters. I live in the little town Gold Hill Oregon--population 1100 have a little store called Apple Rose Cottage.
Apple Rose Cottage was built in 1915. I will tell you more about that later. I love nostalgia 30s to the 50s. I collect flowing blue and way too much more!
I just love old vintage kitchen items, old lace, old buttons (what is there about old buttons that intrigue us all so much) and old sewing things. As I have been sewing since I was six years old. I now do clothes art and man other art forms. My passion is sewing and gardening.
My faith is what sustains me in this crazy world, praying and staying close to my Lord Jesus is the most important thing to me. I will share more in my chit chat page.
How I got here, and more about Apple rose cottage.
This is an exciting new chapter in my book of life, as that is how I see my life as many, many chapters in a book. I want to be a voice of encouragement to the very senior ladies, Just like me, as this is also foreign to you as well.. I am looking forward to meet so many of you, beautiful ladies that I have found on the blogs.
This is my coming out and not being a dinosaur anymore, may you be blessed in this day!!
Barbara Jones